WorldTxt (short for World Text) is humanity’s user manual to living on planet earth.
It’s a shared, collaborative platform, that aims to compile and make available wisdom and guidance that is useWrldTxt is humanity’s user manual to living on planet earth.
It’s a shared, collaborative platform, that aims to compile and make available wisdom and guidance that is useful to navigate our lives.
It is opinionated, towards the values of sustainability, peace, prosperity and freedom. It means that World Text is about finding the equilibrium, the balance, the facts and questions about how humanity can exist with these values.
As with all user manuals, it is up to you to read it or not, to follow its wisdom or not. Your opinion is welcome. Diversity is welcome. Discussion is welcome. Please differentiate between disagreeing with the humanitarian values (discussion about humanity’s values), or disagreeing with a point made in the context of our values (discussion around a particular wisdom or topic). To this end, WrldTxt invites comments, on this platform and other channels.
The goal is to jointly develop a holistic overview and adequate coverage of life’s important aspects. What matters is that we are gaining wisdom. Some texts will need to adapt over time, as circumstances change. But many texts may be written once, and then stay useful for decades, without change.
Wisdom is sometimes connected to context. Context is hard to see, but whenever possible, it should be made visible. For example, while we all can agree that there is wisdom in forgiveness, wisdom is knowing in which situation forgiveness is the wise choice, and in knowing the situations which it is not the wise choice. Context is key.
By putting wisdom into context, WrldTxt aims to counteract banal and transient forms of wisdom. Advertisements, headlines, quotes, social media posts: Short messages are powerful and influential. But context and wisdom is needed to counteract or amplify their influence. This platform therefore proposes "context included" forms of messaging, that aim at fostering wisdom over satisfaction.
By putting wisdom into context, the reader can understand which wisdom is applicable to them, finding answers and inspiration for inner questions of importance. For example, being generous is good, but not everyone needs to increase their generosity: Some people may instead benefit from setting boundaries and protecting themselves. In this sense, WrldTxt aims to support readers self-guiding their consumption of the texts, by providing the right context early on so readers know if they read about wisdom that they already apply naturally, wisdom that could be useful for them, and wisdom that is not applicable to their context.
It is in the wisdom that is not yet applied, but that could be useful in your context, that WrldTxt tries to make its biggest impact.
While the above examples referred to wisdom applied to the individual, WrldTxt also aims to propose wisdom at the community and global level. Here it gets political, but the emphasis is on stopping the cultural amnesia leading to humanity repeating mistakes of the past. The aim here is to identify the right equilibrium, balance, the facts and questions about how humanity can exist in line with the values of sustainability, peace, prosperity and freedom at the global level.
Here too, instead of transient short messages, strong stories of the past may be an effective way to protect humanity from past mistakes. In exploring this, we may see that balance and context are important here too. Context is needed to understand how sustainability and prosperity are linked, how freedom and prosperity are linked. Sustainability and prosperity are positively linked in that a healthy environment provides abundant food. They are negatively linked in that reducing pollution can harm the economy while improving the ecology (in today’s economy). Freedom and prosperity are positively linked when it comes to your ability to run a business, but they are negatively linked when a rule allows the taking of another’s property (in a materialistic society).
So, plenty of wisdom to document, share and explore.
Welcome to WoldTxt.